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Corporate M&A

Investment in Germany

Corporate M&A

Corporate M & A

We, Forward Future GmbH, assist Chinese companies who are interested in investing in German companies, at the same time find suitable counterparties for German companies who are interested in Chinese partners or investors. We do not just act as an agent, but provide all necessary communication, services and assistance - both legal and financial - between all parties.

Why invest in Germany

Why Invest

The German economy is strong, but its export-oriented nature makes it vulnerable to external risk factors. An example is its membership of the European Union, which was undoubtedly an advantage in the past, but due to the sovereign debt crisis, this has had some negative effects on the German economy.

The benefits of investing in Germany include:

Strong Economy - Germany is one of the strongest economies in the world, ranking fourth in size and second in exports. In 2016, the country's nominal gross domestic product (GDP) reached EUR 3.573 trillion.

EU membership - Germany benefits greatly from membership in the EU, which helps it become more competitive not only with other industrialized countries, but also with all other members of the Eurozone.

Labor and taxes - Germany's workforce is highly educated and motivated, as evidenced by the percentage of higher education per 1,000 inhabitants and the number of strike days. Moreover, the country's unified tax law and pro-business policies are also very favorable.

Which type of business shall I invest in Germany?

What typs of business

Germany is home to many small and medium enterprises, called "Mittelstand". The term Mittelstand applies primarily to mid-sized companies rather than large public companies, and most importantly, Mittelstand companies are characterized by a shared set of values and management practices. Often, you will find a multi-generational continuity in family ownership or a family-like business culture. Mittelstand invests heavily in highly qualified employees who are flexible and innovative, whose independence allows flexibility and strong customer focus. Their sense of social responsibility and local connections creates a loyal workforce with a strong emotional connection to the business. These companies offer a range of excellent investment opportunities across a range of businesses:


  • Green Energy

  • Precision Engineering

  • Chemical

  • Medical Industry

  • Auto parts industry

  • and many other industries

Market Situation

Market situation
Buying steps

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M&A Steps


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